
国际著名岩土工程和岩土材料专家Jian Chu教授学术报告通知

发布时间:2013年05月14日 10时45分

Jian Chu教授学术报告通知


国际著名岩土工程和岩土材料专家美国Iowa State University Jian Chu教授应钱春香教授邀请将于2013517日访问我校并作学术报告。





The title of talk is: Ground improvement using biogeotechnology


One of the most exciting developments in geotechnical engineering in the recent years is the application of microbial technologies. Naturally occurring bacteria or microorganisms can be used to improve the engineering properties of soil through biocementation, biogrout and biogas generation. Biocementation refers to a process to use bacteria to increase the shear strength of soil, biogrout a process to reduce the permeability of soil, and biogas generation a process to use bacteria to generate gas bubbles to reduce the degree of saturated of full saturated sand to increase the resistance of sand to liquefaction. In this talk, the mechanisms and principles of different microbial treatments will be explained. Some recent research studies including laboratory and model tests on the three different types of microbial treatments are presented. New technologies for making a water collection pond in desert or sandy beach and ground improvement for liquefaction remediation will also be presented.

Brief CV of Prof.Jian Chu

Dr Chu is a professor and the holder of James M. Hoover Chair in Geotechnical Engineering at the Iowa State University, USA. Before he joined Iowa State, he was the Director of the Centre for Infrastructure Systems at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He has been actively engaged in teaching, research and consulting work in geotechnical engineering in general and soil properties, in-situ and laboratory testing, soil improvement and land reclamation in particular for more than 20 years. Dr Chu received his Ph.D. from the University of New South Wales, Australia in 1991. He was the Vice-President of the Geotechnical Society of Singapore, the Chairman of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) Technical Committee TC39 on Geotechnical Engineering for Coastal Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation from 2005 to 2010 and the Executive Member of another ISSMGE Technical Committee TC211 on Ground Improvement. He has been a keynote or invited speaker at many international conferences, including the State-of-the-Art Reporter at the 17th International Conference for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering in Alexandria in 2009. He is a co-author of the book “Soil Improvement – Prefabricated Vertical Drain Techniques” and a co-editor of several other books. He has published over 250 technical papers in international journals and conferences. Dr Chu is a recipient of the prestigious R.M. Quigley Award in 2004 from the Canadian Geotechnical Society for publishing the best paper in the Canadian Geotechnical Journal in 2003. He is also a co-editor, associate editor and board of editor members for 8 international journals.


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